Contact a classmate

Looking to reconnect with a classmate? Contact the Alumni Relations office, and we'll help you try to get back in touch. alumni [at] (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or
(402) 465-2568

Contact or visit us

Nebraska Wesleyan University Alumni Office
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2123
alumni [at] (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Alumni Interest – Volunteering and Events

Welcome to the Nebraska Wesleyan Alumni Association! With a thriving group of NWU alumni across the country and around the world, we want to hear from you about how we can best provide you with opportunities to foster relationships with your classmates and with your alma mater. Please remind us of the activities and organizations that kept you engaged as a student and let us know how we can help you remain engaged as an NWU alum.


Your Information
Phone number
Name the clubs, athletic teams, Greek chapter, academic associations, etc.
Alumni Involvement
I would like to be invited to alumni events
Check all that apply.
I want to stay engaged with Nebraska Wesleyan students and alumni by volunteering my time and talents
Check all that apply.
Contact Information and Usage
My preferred communication method(s)
Check all that apply.